“Call to action” is a marketing term that is often abbreviated to CTA. It is a button an Internet user can click on to be redirected to a content offer for example. The “call to action” button is used as part of the Inbound Marketing strategy to allow a simple visitor to be converted into a prospect or customer..

CTA ou appel à l'action

The principle of the call to action

As we mentioned above, the call to action is a button, an image or a hyperlink. It is placed on a web page to invite an Internet user to perform a specific action. The action can vary, but the mechanism can be used, for example, to encourage the visitor to:

  • Fill out a form for an appointment,
  • Consult an offer,
  • Create an account,
  • Sign up for a newsletter,
  • Request a demonstration.

It is important to point out that one click is not necessarily enough to complete the entire action. By clicking on the CTA button, the user will first be redirected to a landing page. This page will provide them with all the information related to the action. For example, if the user wants to subscribe to a newsletter, there will be a field to enter their email address.

The importance of the call to action button

When you want to convert a visitor into a prospect or a prospect into a customer, this famous CTA button is definitely worth considering, as it helps to guide the target through the sales funnel. For example, If you’ve written an article presenting a product on a blog, putting a CTA button can be worth your while, as it will allow the Internet user not to leave empty-handed after reading. Here are some arguments that should help convince you to go for that “call to action”:

  • The CTA can improve the conversion rate: the CTA can be thought of as a way of taking buyers from one milestone to another on their journey. The visitor will not necessarily know what they need to do to get to the purchase phase. We understand that you want to acquire customers quickly, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that the call for action should be “buy”. You can prompt the user to subscribe to the newsletter, make an appointment or sign up for a product demonstration. But whatever you do, you must think carefully about the action to put behind the button, so as not to lose the visitor.
  • The customer needs this CTA: as mentioned above, the user will not necessarily know what they need do to get to the purchase phase. The CTA therefore comes in useful to move on to the next step, once the service has been presented for example. In that case, the CTA button can be a way of making an appointment or signing up to a trial.
  • The CTA reinforces your expertise: it is important to understand that the CTA button can’t be placed just anywhere. The Internet user won’t click on a button to make an appointment that is right bang in the middle of a news item. Of course, this news may attract a lot of readers, but it has no relation with the action you want to trigger. The CTA should be preceded by content that proves your expertise on the subject. In this content, you need to make the target aware that they have a problem and that the CTA button can be a solution. This is what will reinforce your expertise.
  • The CTA allows a quick reaction: after reading the content, the internet user will become aware of their problem. If there is a CTA, they will not take ages to decide. This CTA will help them to make up their mind quickly, on the one hand, and help you to get a quick reaction, on the other.

Call to action

Optimising the CTA

Implementing a CTA button is not a foolproof guarantee that the user will click on it, even if the button is well placed. This is where you need to think about certain elements that will optimize this “call to action”. Here are some tips to stop your visitor from getting away.

Choose the right design for the button

The CTA was created to serve as a clear link to redirect the user to the landing page. However, this button must also be visible enough among the rest of the content. You can play on the visuals, the size, the typography or the contrast of the CTA. You can even take the liberty of deviating slightly from your graphic charter to make the CTA more distinctive for the user. If you’re not sure about the design, you can always test and adjust the button to see which model works best.

Going with the right message

It goes without saying: to encourage the user to perform the action, you have to put the right message on the button. The words “Send” or “Sign up” are not enough, because the message is not clear. You need to find the right words so that the user can understand what will happen when they click on the CTA button and also identify the benefits of this action.

In order to spur them into action, opt for doing verbs. It is recommended to use the infinitive, the imperative or the indicative with the first person. We understand that you want to be precise, but it is best to steer away from specific jargon. Also, avoid using a whole sentence. Limit yourself to five words.

To stop the user from getting away, you can also play on the sense of urgency. You can make the user understand that your proposal is only valid for 30 days or that there are only a few places left.

Bouton d'appel à l'action

Bring in help to roll out your Inbound Marketing strategy

The CTA is a mechanism that enters into the Inbound Marketing strategy. If this is not your field, you are well advised to bring on board professionals like InternetVista to roll it out. This is the only guarantee that your CTA will work and also that you will acquire customers.

Conclusion: The CTA is often presented in the form of a button and it prompts the Internet user to perform a very precise action. You may not be convinced by this Inbound Marketing mechanism, but remember that it can help you optimize your conversion rate, strengthen your expertise and also get an immediate reaction from Internet users.  But be careful, don’t forget to monitor the page behind your Call To Action. After all, without this page, your Call to Action may fall on deaf ears.